Felix Baumgartner record-breaking, supersonic freefall captured on helmet cam


>It has been a year since Austrian pilot and daredevil Felix Baumgartner made it to the record books by free falling from 24 miles or about 127,000 feet above the surface of earth and plummeted at speeds that peaked at 833.9 miles an hour or about 140mph beyond the speed barrier. To celebrate this achievement, jump sponsor Red Bull released a point-of-view video of the supersonic skydiving feat of the man that has been known since as Fearless Felix.

The POV video lasts for 9.5 minutes and will give fans Baumgartner’s view of the dive along with real-time information such as airspeed, altitude, airspeed, G-force, heart rate and other data pertinent to the mission. The perspective of the new video is more intimate as one can almost feel the terror of the dizzying spins as the adventurer for the Red Bull Stratos project heads back to earth.

A video of the jump from the helmet cam of Baumgartner was released a year ago and has so far garnered more than 35 million views.

“Red Bull Stratos proved that a human can survive accelerating through the sound barrier in freefall, and we gathered a lot of information -including the first-ever physiologic data from a person freefalling at supersonic speeds. It’s incredibly useful for those who are exploring how people might be able to bail out of aircraft at ultra-high altitudes,” said Baumgartner

In relation to the anniversary of his jump, the 43-year old expert parachutist, together with other Red Bull Stratos team members, participated in a question and answer with fans and supporters on October 14. This event was followed by the official release of the “Mission to the Edge of Space: The Inside Story of Red Bull Stratos,” a new documentary about the adventure.

“For me, the next adventure is a very personal: Ever since I was little, I had two dreams: being a skydiver and flying helicopters. Now I’m ready to pursue that second dream,” Baumgartner said when asked about his next adventure.

“I don’t really enjoy repeating something once I’ve accomplished my goal. I like fresh challenges, different experiences, learning new things. With Red Bull Stratos, we achieved what we set out to do. Now it’s time to move on,” he added.

Baumgartner is a pilot, base jumper, and a real adventurist. He once donned a carbon wing for a freefall flight crossing of the English Channel. He is also a licensed helicopter and gas balloon pilot.

Check out the video below.

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