Eddie McGuire’s stupid comment

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See Sam Armytage, Dave Hughes and Eddie McGuire all take to the slide for the Big freeze at the G. Courtesy: Seven Network

Collingwood president Eddie McGuire joked about drowning a woman. Picture: Tracy Nearmy/AAP

EDDIE McGuire just shouldn’t make jokes. They aren’t funny.

The Collingwood Football Club president is copping it since making a “joke” on radio about drowning female sports journalist Caroline Wilson.

Last week on Triple M, McGuire was taking about the Big Freeze at the ’G, an event where celebrities plunge into ice to raise money for MND.

“I reckon we should start a campaign or a one-person slide next year,” he said.

“Caroline Wilson, I’ll put in the 10 grand straight away, make it 20, and if she stays under, 50.”

Others in the studio had a good laugh and former AFL coach Danny Frawley even offered to hold her underwater.

Eddie McGuire made comments about drowning sports journalist Caroline Wilson.

Eddie McGuire made comments about drowning sports journalist Caroline Wilson.Source:Supplied

McGuire then suggested people stand around Wilson and “bomb” her.

Sports writer Erin Riley was outraged by the comment, which came just days before the weekend match between the Bulldogs and the Cats to support White Ribbon.

McGuire’s comments went unnoticed by most last week, but Riley wrote a damning piece which has put the Collingwood Football Club president under the spotlight.

“These are some of the most high-profile men in football joking about hurting one of football’s most prominent women,” Riley wrote.

“So much of our discussions about violence against women acknowledge the importance of language and of attitudes in shaping the way men think about women.”

She acknowledged McGuire was making a joke, but said his comments were dangerous.

“The image of a woman being held underwater against her will while people jump on her body is a horrifying picture of violence. It is nothing less,” she said.

“And make no mistake, the damage McGuire and co are doing by normalising attitudes of disrespect and violence toward a woman does more harm than a thousand themed matches and white ribbons on uniforms do good.”

Twitter users labelled McGuire’s comments “disgusting” and the hashtag #SackEddie emerged.

Riley said the comments were unacceptable and called on the AFL to step in.

“If the AFL and its clubs are genuinely committed to doing something about violence against women, they need to respond to this, and not just brush it under the rug,” she said.

McGuire is known for making controversial comments— remember when he suggested Adam Goodes could promote the musical King Kong?

In 2010, he hosted the Winter Olympics with Mick Molloy and made homophobic comments about male figure skaters.

McGuire began talking about the fashion in ice skating, with Molloy commenting that athletes in the sport did not leave anything in the locker room.

“They don’t leave anything in the closet either,” McGuire said.

McGuire has not yet responded to the criticism and Triple M has been contacted for comment.

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